More to know about Tell Show Do Method



Tell Show Do Method
Parents play an integral role in helping their kids to determine good oral hygiene habits which will cause healthier teeth for all times . Though baby teeth eventually are replaced by permanent teeth, it’s still important to assist children lookout of their baby teeth to make sure their primary teeth grow in properly and are healthy. With the tell show do method, parents can help their kids master proper brushing and flossing habits.

What Is the Tell Show Do Method
The tell show do method may be a good way to assist your kids get curious about their own oral health and learn directly from you.
TELL: Explain the way to brush and floss and the way those actions keep teeth clean and healthy. confirm you employ age-appropriate language and permit your child to ask questions. you’ll make it fun by explaining that they’re brushing and flossing to assist get obviate “sugar bugs.”
SHOW: Have your child watch you once you brush and floss your own teeth. If they need any questions, answer them by showing them.
DO: Help your child brush their teeth within the morning and before bed. Keep a daily routine in order that they know it’s expected. still help your child brush and floss until they’re about five years old. then allow them to brush and floss their own teeth, but supervise and monitor until they’re about eight years old.
Remember that a child’s mouth is far smaller than an adult’s, so it’s important to use the right tools for his or her oral hygiene habits. Choose a child-size toothbrush that they will easily slot in the hard-to-reach places in their mouth. this may ensure they’re ready to properly brush their teeth and take away harmful plaque and bacteria. Learn more children’s oral hygiene tips.

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