Dental Implant vs Bridge vs Denture


A Dental implant is a titanium post (like a tooth root) that is surgically positioned into the jawbone beneath the gum line that allows your dentist to mount replacement teeth.


A Dental bridge is a false tooth that is held in place by the adjacent teeth on either side of the gap. Although artificial tooth  can be made from a variety of materials such as gold, typically they’re made from porcelain to aesthetically blend in with your natural teeth.


Dentures are prosthetic devices constructed to replace missing teeth, and are supported by the surrounding soft and hard tissues of the oral cavity. Dentures are replacements for missing teeth that can be taken out and put back into your mouth.There are two main types of dentures: full and partial.





Basis Dental Implants Dentures Dental Bridges
Performance Look and like natural teeth Function similar to  natural teeth Look and like natural teeth
Comfort Secure confident smile Poorly fitting denture can irritate gum tissue Sensitivity in supporting teeth
Durability Create normal bite force Reduce bite force Vulnerable to bite force
Bone loss Maintain jaw bone Causes loss of jaw bone Doesn’t prevent bone loss
Impact on natural teeth Doesn’t impact on natural teeth Partial denture can wear and increase cavities Require modification of natural teeth
Longevity Provide long term stability Less than a year Doesn’t stable more than 8 years Can last 10-20 years
Appearance Eat your favourite food Limited food choice Eat only limited food
Cost More expensive Less expensive More expensive
Time Take one month or one year depend on the mouth condition Less than one month Less than one month
Hygiene Brush, floss and see dentist like natural teeth Must be removed to clean and should not be worn while sleeping Cleaning under the bridges

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