Myth and Fact about Veneers




Myth: A lot of tooth structure needs to be filed before veneer application

Fact: These days veneers can be made as thin as 0.3mm, so very less preparation is needed than in old times.


Myth: Application of veneers is painful

Fact: There is no pain during the procedure as the preparation is done under local anesthesia.


Myth: Veneers are very bright and noticed easily.

Fact: These days veneers are quite natural. The thickness, color and shape can blend perfectly with patient’s own teeth.


Myth: Veneers require a lot of care.

Fact:  Veneers require care similar to your natural teeth. You need to avoid an abrasive and  hard bristled brush. Brush twice and floss once daily.


Myth: Veneers can be used in place of orthodontic treatment.

Fact: In case of minor misalignment , veneers can definitely help. But traditional orthodontics is required for major cases.

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