Orthodontic treatment with metal braces



Orthodontic treatment is the science where the position and shape of the teeth is altered so as to make the teeth functionally and visibly more appropriate.
This type of treatment involves putting of small metallic brackets on the inner or outer surface of the teeth and then putting a wire through the brackets. This wire is held on with the help of little rubber bands, you can choose the color of the little bands and experiment with a variety of colors ranging from the traditional transparent ones or ones of neon colors.
The wire is then tightened approximately every month until the teeth reach the desired position.
The treatment once started cannot be stopped midway if the desired results want to be achieved.

They are highly effective in bringing our teeth in alignment.

  • need to be tightened only once a month
  • most cost effective method for straightening teeth.
  • can make even minor changes in later stages
  • They are visually unaesthetic.
  • if not cleaned properly they tend to accumulate food and debris.
  • you need to keep the mouth absolutely clean at all timed.
  • sometimes the brackets come off in case of trauma to the bracket or teeth in that case a dentist needs to be visited to replace the bracket.
  • the wire needs to be tightened every month so you need to be present . the process cannot be too early or too late to get the desired results.

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