Composite restoration

Composite restoration in right lower back tooth region

Patient came with complain of dislodged filling in right lower back teeth region. After diagnosis patient was advised to get composite restoration with same teeth. Full treatment was done under microscope.Results are shown below.

Dhramender Gulati 46,47


Composite restoration


Composite restoration was done with upper front tooth

Patient complains of broken tooth in upper front tooth region.After diagnosis patient was advised to get composite restoration with same tooth.Full treatment was done under microscope.Results are shown below in comparison of pictures.






Know more about your toothpaste

Ques- Choosing a right toothpaste-a dilemma?

Ans– You have to know your teeth in order to pick toothpaste that is right for you.

After all, nobody knows your teeth better than a dentist!

Most importantly, the type of paste you use won’t make much of a difference if brushing technique is not followed.

Ques-Does the color coding on toothpaste signifies the composition?

Ans-No, they’re EYE MARKS/COLOR MARKS which are artefacts in the manufacturing process which help in identifying where product packaging is to be cut or folded.

Ques- What are the best natural alternatives for toothpaste and brush?

Ans– Neem twig(datun), Acacia (kikar/babool) are the best traditional well known natural cleaning aid for teeth from centuries in our culture. Even clinical researches have proven the same.

Ques- Do Whitening toothpastes bleach teeth?
Ans- Whitening toothpastes alone can’t make whiter teeth. They can help in maintaining the white smile achieved after in-office bleaching or take away home-bleaching kit.

Ques- Which brand of Toothpaste is best?

Ans– All the toothpaste brands are similar. You are safe to brush with quality IDA-approved standard toothpaste to maintain your teeth.



Know about your toothpaste

Ques-Why do we need toothpaste to brush our teeth?

Ans-Toothpaste is a medium which helps to clean our teeth by foaming action and aids in getting rid of bacteria, lodged food particles, debris and stains between the teeth.

Ques- How much toothpaste should be used every day?

Ans-For proper and efficient cleaning of teeth, only a pea sized amount is sufficient.

Ques- Can we use mouthwash instead of a toothpaste?

Ans– No, not at all. Mouthwash can just freshen your breath and has an antibacterial action for a little time but can’t remove the food particles and debris.

Ques-Can we use medicated toothpastes for long term?

Ans-No, medicated toothpastes should be used only after consulting your dentist for specific problem. These should be used till the time they are prescribed for. Otherwise, they can have adverse effects too.


Myth Vs Facts about Dental care


Myth #4: Diet coke is better option than the regular coke:
Fact : 

You probably didn’t know that both of them are harmful to your teeth whether it is s diet soda or regular soda. Whenever we consume carbohydrates in any form, the bacteria stimulate the release of acidic content in our oral cavity, which further progresses to develop the cavities. So, if you’re thinking that diet soda will not cause cavities or other problems, and then you’ve been misleaded by anyone.


Myth #5: Visit the dentist only when there is a teeth problem:
Fact : Consulting with your dentist even if you’re feeling deep pain in your tooth once in a while, then it is absolutely wrong . Though, the pain is not constant, but this could be an early alarm for you that some abnormality is developing in your tooth.

Regular checkups every three months, to your dentist for the dental examination, if your dental problem is detected in the acute phase, it’ll be more easily treated.




Here are some Myths vs. Facts of the Dental Care

Myth #1: Sugar is only responsible for causing the cavities :
Fact : Do you know how cavities occur in your mouth? Well, when you consume the carbohydrates including sugar, vegetables, fruits and bread, the bacteria of mouth start producing the acids in the mouth, which leads to the cavities. If you’re consuming mostly, carbohydrates in your diet, then you’re highly susceptible to develop the cavities. Include proteins in your diet too for reducing the chances of tooth decay and try to stay away from the acidic products.

Myth #2: Only children get the cavities :

Fact : Nope, getting effected from the cavities is not limited to the children; yet, you can also get the tooth decay if you’re not maintaining the oral hygiene.

Certain medications cause dry mouth as the side effect. Consequently, the dry mouth has the lowest amount of saliva due to which the bacteria and acids are not neutralized and causes the tooth decay.

Myth # 3: Don’t opt for the scaling option; they’re not good for your teeth:

Fact : Scaling can help you to wash out the tartar and keeps our oral hygiene maintained. It also prevents the problem of bad breath and bleeding gums. In this way, scaling is advantageous for teeth and gums. You should visit the professional dentists for proficient cleaning of your teeth.


To Be Continued………

Dental Implants vs Dentures Vs Bridges

Basis Dental Implants Dentures Dental Bridges
Performance Look and like natural teeth Function similar to  natural teeth Look and like natural teeth
Comfort Secure confident smile Poorly fitting denture can irritate gum tissue Sensitivity in supporting teeth
Durability Create normal bite force Reduce bite force Vulnerable to bite force
Bone loss Maintain jaw bone Causes loss of jaw bone Doesn’t prevent bone loss
Impact on natural teeth Doesn’t impact on natural teeth Partial denture can wear and increase cavities Require modification of natural teeth
Longevity Provide long term stability Less than a year Doesn’t stable more than 8 years Can last 10-20 years
Appearance Eat your favourite food Limited food choice Eat only limited food
Cost More expensive Less expensive More expensive
Time Take one month or one year depend on the mouth condition Less than one month Less than one month
Hygiene Brush, floss and see dentist like natural teeth Must be removed to clean and should not be worn while sleeping Cleaning under the bridges

Dental Implants vs Dentures Vs Bridges….to be continued

A Dental implant is a titanium post (like a tooth root) that is surgically positioned into the jawbone beneath the gum line that allows your dentist to mount replacement teeth.

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A Dental bridge is a false tooth that is held in place by the adjacent teeth on either side of the gap. Although artificial tooth  can be made from a variety of materials such as gold, typically they’re made from porcelain to aesthetically blend in with your natural teeth.


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Dentures are prosthetic devices constructed to replace missing teeth, and are supported by the surrounding soft and hard tissues of the oral cavity. Dentures are replacements for missing teeth that can be taken out and put back into your mouth.There are two main types of dentures: full and partial.

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Benefits of Digital Impressions


Digital impressions represent cutting-edge technology that allows dentists to create a virtual, computer-generated replica of the hard and soft tissues in the mouth using lasers and other optical scanning devices. The digital technology captures clear and highly accurate impression data in mere minutes, without the need for traditional impression materials that some patients find inconvenient and messy. The impression information then is transferred to a computer and used to create restorations, often without the need for stone models.

Benefits of Digital Impressions

  • Improved image/impression quality for better-fitting restorations
  • Less chair time
  • No need for distasteful impression materials that cause some patients to gag
  • More comfortable, less anxious experience for patients and the dental team
  • Reduced possibility of impression-taking errors and elimination of material inaccuracies for fewer restoration mistakes.
  • The scan of the teeth being restored, as well as the opposing teeth and bite, can be completed in just three to five minutes.
  • The digital impression can be stored electronically indefinitely, which saves space, contributes to efficient recordkeeping, and supports a paper-free environment.
  • Green dentistry and eco-friendly aspects include eliminating the need for disposable plastic trays and impression materials, which otherwise would be polluting landfill space; digital data is eliminated with the “delete” button.
  • With milled models, you have a solid model. Dies are precision-fit in the model with no movement, and all dies are captured in one model. This gives greater accuracy when restoring multiple units, such as veneer cases. There is no contamination from the patient and no die spacer is required.


Digital scanners offer many benefits that aren’t possible with traditional impression techniques, from time savings to patient education and accuracy to the ease of storing electronic data. Combine the benefits with the fact that the learning curve is small, and it’s clear that implementing a digital scanner in the dental practice is a “no brainer,”