Know about Dental Implants



  • Anyone can get dental implants.

Fact: Not everyone require dental implants. For dental implants, it is important to have healthy bone tissue in the mouth for the implant. A qualified dentist can figure this out.

  • Dental implants are painful.

Fact: Under local anesthesia, the patient undergoes a very comfortable procedure.

  • Dental implant titanium causes migraine or headache.

Fact: There are no clinical studies which prove this. In addition to this, the headache felt after the procedure might be due to patients having TMJ disorder or opening mouth wide.

  • Dental implants are ineffective.

Fact: Dental implants have history of over forty years. And, the researches show that dental implants have approximately 95% success rate.

  • Dental implants are quite high-priced.

Fact: When you think about dental implants to restore your missing teeth, the initial investments provides huge benefits over a period of time compared to other treatment alternatives available.

Take care of your oral health

Your oral health is more important than you might realize. The compartmentalization involved in viewing the mouth separately from the rest of the body must cease because oral health effects general health by causing considerable pain and suffering and in turn the overall well being.

1)Heart disease:- Studies have shown that people with moderate or advanced gum(periodontal)disease are more likely to have cardiovascular disease or heart disease than those with the healthy gums.

2)Lung Disease:- The same bacteria can also travel to the lungs , causing infection or aggravating existing lung conditions.

3)Organ Transplant:-Organ transplant patients defense system functions poorly due to heavy medication. The patient’s mouth must be completely healthy before and after organ transplantation .All infections of dental origin are potentially fatal when the body’s own defense system is suppressed.

4) Diabetes:- There is also a link between diabetes and gum disease .People with diabetes are more susceptible to gum disease. They should get there oral prophylaxis every six months.

5) Pregnancy:-During pregnancy ,hormonal changes may increase the risk of gingivitis ,or inflammation of the gums. Symptoms include tenderness, swelling and bleeding of gums. Without proper care, these problems may become more serious and can lead to gum disease.

Visiting a dentist regularly can help you maintain your oral health. A dentist’s exam may defect poor nutrition and hygiene, as well as provide clues to  your overall well-being.


Post and Core

A post and core crown is a type of dental restorstion required where there is an inadequate amount of sound tooth tissue remaining to retain a conventional crown. A post is cemented into a prepared root canal, which retains a core restoration, which retains the final crown.

When deciding whether or not a tooth requires a post and core crown rather than a conventional crown, the following must be established.

  1. Presence of adequate tooth structure
  2. Sufficient length of canal to retain a post
  3. Curvature and overall anatomy of root canal system
  4. Sufficient root (radicular) dentine thickness for post preparation
  5. Restorability of tooth


A post and core consists of two parts :

  • The post

The post is a small rod, usually metal, that is inserted into the root space of the tooth and protrudes from the root a couple of millimetres. The post is then used to hold the core or a filling in place.

Because the post is inserted into the root canal, a post and core can only be made for a tooth that has had root canal treatment.


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The core

The core replaces missing tooth structure in preparation for making a new dental crown. The core is then utilized to hold a dental crown in place.


Why are post and cores needed ?

A great deal of a dental crown stability depends on the amount of tooth structure that extends into its interior. If very little tooth structure occupies this space, the crown will be easily dislodged, especially by forces directed at its side.

Basically, the core is rebuilding the tooth so it is closer to its original dimensions. Hence, the crown’s stability will greatly increase, and therefore its long-term chances for success are maximized.

Flossers and its types

Using a Flosser

If you don’t like reaching into the back of your mouth, or if you are helping a child or elderly parent with oral hygiene, a flosser may be the right product to meet your flossing needs. A flosser is, in simplest terms, a piece of dental floss on a handle. Many types of flossers are available, and any of them will help promote oral health when you use them properly to clean between and around teeth. Which flosser you choose comes down to personal preference, but look for a model with a long handle for easier holding and a compact head that makes it easier to reach behind the back teeth—a particularly tricky spot to clean.


 Flosser Type

Some flossers are totally disposable and others have disposable, refillable heads. You can also buy flossers that have specially designed handles with no-slip grips to make them even easier to hold. Some flossers have an area that works as a tongue scraper, and others come in small sizes with child-friendly designs.

Ceramic Braces

They are made of translucent (clear) material. They are most popular with adult patients, due to their cosmetic appeal.


Ceramic braces are the same size and shape as metal braces, except that the brackets are tooth colored to help make a fixed brace look less noticeable.This type of brace straightens teeth without compromising the way you look during your treatment. For this reason ceramic braces are popular with adults. Ceramic fixed braces are strong, lightweight, comfortable and fixed to the front of your teeth. You’ll hardly notice they are there.

Mouth breathing

Mouth breathing, as the name suggests, is breathing through the mouth rather than the nose. In majority of the cases, mouth breathing represents an involuntary adaptation to an obstructed nasal airway, and mouth breathing is a requirement simply in order to get enough air. This can be due to an obstruction in the nose or even adenoids. Chronic mouth breathing in children may result in damaging effects to dental and facial growth. It may cause gingivitis of the front teeth, bad breath and even movement of the front teeth. Treatment generally involves removal of the obstruction or a habit breaking appliance fabricated by the dentist.





Although newborns usually have no visible teeth, most start developing baby teeth between 4-7 months of age. Children usually have their full set of 20 primary teeth in place by age 3. As their teeth erupt, some babies may become fussy, sleepless and irritable, lose their appetite or drool more than usual. But diarrhoea, rashes and a fever are not normal for a teething baby. Your child may have sore or tender gums when teeth begin to erupt. Gently rubbing their gums with a clean finger, a small cool spoon,or a moist gauze pad can be soothing. Your doctor may recommend a pacifier. When your child’s teeth begin to come in, brush them gently with a child’s size toothbrush and water. For children between the ages of 2 and 6, brush their teeth with a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste. Be sure they spit out the toothpaste. You should start regular dental check-ups for your child after their first tooth appears, but no later than their first birthday.


Erosion of the tooth Enamel

Erosion is the irreversible loss of tooth structure due to chemical dissolution by acids not of bacterial origin. Teeth are one of the hardest substances in the human body. However, sometimes due to our habits, we can cause damage to our teeth .Erosion of the tooth enamel is one of the many causes of tooth pain. Tooth erosion occurs when excess acid wears away the tooth enamel, which is the hard outer layer that gives teeth their structure and strength. In general, minerals in saliva helps neutralize the acid in the foods we eat and protect your tooth enamel from erosion. But if we consume a lot of highly acidic foods or drinks, we may be increasing our risk for tooth erosion. An eroded tooth can cause sensitivity to hot and cold, look discolored or even develop cracks or small dents on the chewing surface. To reduce this risk, keep acidic foods to a minimum, drink carbonated drinks using a straw, or chew sugar-free gum so that your mouth produces more saliva in order to recover from exposure to excess acid. In severe cases, your dentist might advise crowns in order to protect your teeth from further damage.


Dental fluorosis

Dental fluorosis is a cosmetic condition that affects teeth. It’s caused by overexposure to fluoride during the first eight years of life, when most permanent teeth are being formed. Flourosis can be associated with excessive fluoride levels in drinking water or sometimes inappropriate use of toothpastes or mouth rinses. Sometimes, children enjoy the taste of fluoridated toothpaste so much that they swallow it instead of spitting it out. The affected teeth by fluorosis may appear mildly discoloured that only dentists can detect.In more severe cases, the teeth may have stains ranging from yellow to dark brown, surface irregularities or pits that are highly noticeable and difficult to clean. This condition is not painful but can have a psychological effect on an individual due to its appearance. For mild cases, treatment might include teeth whitening or micro-abrasion. But in moderate to severe cases, veneers or crowns may be advised by the dentist.

dental blog

Common myths and facts about dental

Myth:-Diet does not play a significant role in the development of tooth decay.

Fact:-Sugary food creates an acidic environment in the mouth, which is bad for tooth’s enamel. Dairy products such as cheese, yogurt, and real butter can protect the tooth’s enamel by creating an alkaline environment in the mouth.

Myth:-It’s not so important to brush baby tooth twice a day because they’ll fall out and be replaced by permanent teeth in a few years anyway.

Fact: – Baby teeth are the foundation of the permanent teeth. If they decay, the child can become more prone to having decay on permanent teeth as well. Decayed baby teeth can also cause early stage gum disease.

Myth:-Fruit juice is better for the teeth than soda.

Fact:-Fruit juice is actually worse than soda because it is even more acidic. Sipping on fruit juice throughout the day is therefore a big no-no if you want to keep your teeth healthy. Choose water instead.

Myth: Using sugarless chewing gum after meal can replace brushing

Fact: Nothing can replace proper brushing technique. And in case you want to use sugarless chewing gum do not chew it for more than 10 minutes.

Myth: Mouthwash can substitute tooth brushing.

Fact: No, mouthwash only helps in maintaining fresh breath for little time. It can’t clean food particles in between teeth. Nothing can substitute tooth brushing.
