Peg lateral teeth

Peg lateral teeth, or peg lateral incisors, are terms used to describe a condition where the lateral incisors (the second tooth on either side of the front teeth) are undersized, conical and appear smaller than normal. This situation occurs when the permanent lateral incisors do not fully develop. Due to presence of peg lateral incisor, there will be a space between them and the adjacent teeth (this space normally would have been occupied by a fully developed lateral incisor) resulting in smile to appear abnormal.

There are several ways to treat and correct this condition. Porcelain veneers are the most common treatment for peg lateral incisors, and require little or no tooth preparation.  A porcelain shell is simply bonded over the smaller peg laterals making the teeth appear normal in size. If not enough space exists, it can be created by orthodontic treatment.

Causes of Peg Lateral incisors :

There are two primary causes of peg laterals

  1. Genetics:  there seems to be a genetic component to this condition.  Some people with peg laterals have parents who had the same condition.
  2. Developmental anomaly:  Sometimes the teeth just do not form correctly.

Some people are genetically missing the adult lateral incisors so the primary or baby lateral incisors remain in the position of the adult lateral incisors which looks abnormally small in an adult mouth.

How can we treat Peg Laterals :

(1) cosmetic bonding / Build up with tooth-colored materials

(2) Porcelain veneers

(3) Orthodontic treatment may be needed to position these teeth ideally for either of the above two options.  We work with many talented orthodontists to assist us when necessary for a more ideal result for you!

Sometimes the only treatment needed is to re position the peg laterals with orthodontic treatment or a removable appliance.


Missing teeth can change face shape

If you have ever seen someone with missing teeth you may have noticed that their jaw has recessed, and their face could appear as if it’s sagging. Facial sagging due to bone loss and an absence of structure due to tooth loss is common. Even patients with traditional dentures may experience some degree of facial sagging.
Tooth and bone loss can actually change the form of your facial structure altering your overall look. Facial sagging will cause premature aging and may take a toll on a patient’s self-confidence. Tooth loss destabilizes the whole structure of the jaw. With an empty root socket, space is made and allow teeth to shift. Empty sockets also weaken the bone tissue and eventually results in the bone tissues breaking down and wearing.
How am i able to stop facial sagging if I actually have missing teeth?
Missing teeth can have psychological, functional and aesthetic consequences. Replacing missing teeth promptly once a loss is an optimal solution for preventing facial sagging. Dental implants are the most supportive treatment possibility for replacing missing teeth and promoting healthy bone structure. Dental implant secured dental restoration can facilitate rebuild your overall look.
DENTAL IMPLANT may be used to replace a single missing tooth or to secure a dental restoration for the replacement of the many missing teeth. Implants are the most natural possibility for restoring a smile with missing teeth. Dental implants will facilitate prevent facial sagging and help stabilize the integrity of the facial structure.
Supporting Facial Integrity after Tooth Loss
Replacing teeth with dental implants will stabilize the jaw bone preventing extra tooth loss, bone loss, and facial sagging. dental implant posts mimic the natural tooth root and really help regenerate healthy bone tissue. Dental implants are made from medical grade, biocompatible materials that fuse to the jaw making a stable and lasting bond.

tooth loss

Know more about a Flosser & its Types

Using a Flosser

If you don’t like reaching into the back of your mouth, or if you are helping a child or elderly parent with oral hygiene, a flosser may be the right product to meet your flossing needs. A flosser is, in simplest terms, a piece of dental floss on a handle. Many types of flossers are available, and any of them will help promote oral health when you use them properly to clean between and around teeth. Which flosser you choose comes down to personal preference, but look for a model with a long handle for easier holding and a compact head that makes it easier to reach behind the back teeth—a particularly tricky spot to clean.


Flosser Type Some flossers are totally disposable and others have disposable, refillable heads. You can also buy flossers that have specially designed handles with no-slip grips to make them even easier to hold. Some flossers have an area that works as a tongue scraper, and others come in small sizes with child-friendly designs.


Ugly Duckling Phase

The ugly duckling stage, occurs during the mixed dentition phase (when both milk and permanent teeth are present in the mouth) of tooth eruption between the ages of 7-12 years. It is a stage of dental development that occurs during the eruption of the permanent canine, in which the lateral incisors become tilted because the erupting canines impinge on the roots of the incisors. It is called ugly duckling stage because dentition in children at this stage looks very ugly due to multiple spacing between their teeth. This is a self-correcting condition and requires no treatment or cause for concern. However, check-ups at regular intervals is necessary to rule out the possibility of crowding and if crowding is suspected, growth modification appliances can be prescribed by the dentist.






Tooth Erosion

Tooth erosion is the wearing away of tooth enamel by acid. The enamel is the hard calcified tissue that covers and protects the outside of the tooth. It is also the hardest substance in our bodies.

Symptoms of tooth erosion can range from sensitivity to more severe problems such as cracking. Be sure to let your dentist know if you experience any symptoms of tooth erosion.

Early Symptoms of Tooth Erosion

  • Discoloration – Since the dentin of the tooth is exposed during tooth erosion, discoloration or yellowing of the teeth can occur.
    The more dentin that is exposed, the more yellow the teeth will become.
  • Tooth Sensitivity – Sensitive teeth are very common symptoms of tooth erosion because the enamel that protects the teeth wears away, leaving exposed dentin.
  • Rounded Teeth – During the early stages of tooth erosion, it is common for teeth to have a rounded look.
  • Transparent or Sand Blasted Appearance – It is not uncommon in the early stages of tooth erosion for the teeth to have a sand blasted look or for the tips of the front teeth to look transparent.

Advanced and Severe Symptoms of Tooth Erosion

  • Cracking – If tooth erosion continues into the advanced stage, the edges of the teeth can start to crack and have a rough feeling.
  • Dents – Little dents, also called cupping, can start to appear on the biting areas of the teeth.
  • Extreme Sensitivity – Since the enamel wears away during tooth erosion, the teeth can become extremely sensitive during the advanced stages of tooth erosion.






Causes of Bad breath

If you suffer from chronic, severe bad breath, also known as halitosis, it’s important to identify the cause so you can determine an effective treatment.Halitosis has many causes, including the following:

  • Tobacco use. If you smoke, quit. Your bad breath may be due to other causes, too, but tobacco use is a guarantee of bad breath.
  • What you eat, or don’t eat. Certain foods, such as garlic, contribute to bad breath, but only temporarily. Once they are absorbed into the bloodstream, the smell is expelled through the breath.
  • Dry mouth. If your mouth is extremely dry, there is not enough saliva to wash away excess food particles and bacteria, which can cause an unpleasant smell if they build up on the teeth.
  • Infections. Bad breath that seems to have no other cause may indicate an infection elsewhere in the body. Bad breath can be a sign of a range of conditions including respiratory tract infections, chronic sinusitis or bronchitis, diabetes, or liver and kidney problems, so it’s important not to ignore the problem.

The best way to improve bad breath is to follow a thorough oral care routine including twice-daily tooth brushing and daily flossing to remove the food particles and bacteria that can cause bad breath. Mouthwashes only improve bad breath for the short term.


Dental Veneers

Veneers are ultra-thin shells of ceramic (porcelain) or a composite resin material, which are bonded to the front of teeth. Veneers are an excellent alternative to crowns in many situations. They provide a much more conservative approach to changing a tooth’s colour, size or shape. Veneers can mask undesirable defects,such as teeth stained by tetracycline or fluorosis or damage due to an injury. They are ideal for masking discoloured fillings in front teeth. Patients with gaps between their front teeth or teeth that are chipped or worn may consider veneers. If one tooth is slightly out of position, a veneer can sometimes be fitted to bring it into line with the others. Since they are very thin, very little or no preparation of the tooth may be needed. Veneers should last for many years; but they can chip or break, just as your own teeth can. Your dentist will tell you how long each individual veneer should last. Small chips can be repaired, or a new veneer fitted if necessary.





Bruxism includes various behaviours like:-

  • Gnashing of teeth
  • Grinding of teeth
  • Clenching of teeth
  • Gritting of teeth

Signs of teeth grinding-

  1. A chipped tooth
  2. You have a headache when you wake up
  3. TMJ pain disorder
  4. Chronic grinding of teeth
  5. Pain in jaws
  6. Loosening of teeth from the gums
  7. Losing of teeth
  8. Fracturing of teeth
  9. Wearing away of teeth and enamel
  10. Receding gums/Recession
  11. Recurring headaches
  12. Tooth pain

Treatment which really help include:-

  • Using a warm, wet washcloth on the jaw in front of earlobe
  • Massaging jaw muscles, the neck, and face to relieve tension on trigger points
  • Getting physical therapy
  • Doing exercises to relax the jaw
  • Using muscle relaxants to relax the jaw

Treatments for bruxism designed to reduce symptoms or get rid of teeth grinding include:

  • Reducing stress
  • Don’t open your mouth too wide.
  • Drinking more water
  • Getting more sleep
  • Not chewing gum or on other objects as it allows your jaw muscles to get more used to clenching and makes you more likely to grind your teeth.
  • Consciously relaxing the face and jaw throughout the day
  • Buying a teeth grinding mouth guard
  • Avoiding alcohol, which increases the urge to clench the teeth
  • Avoiding caffeine, which can make you jumpy and tense
  • Do not chew on pencils or pens or anything that is not food.
  • Train yourself not to clench or grind your teeth.
  • If you notice that you clench or grind during the day, position the tip of your tongue between your teeth. This practice trains your jaw muscles to relax.

The most popular and widely used of these solutions is mouth guards which are custom fabricated according to your mouth.





Know more about Your oral health

How to get rid of stains?

Stained teeth can be due to poor oral hygiene, consumption of tobacco etc. So, it is important to change your habits in order to have a good smile. Get professional cleaning done and maintain hygiene.

 How to fight bad breath?

Foods like onion or garlic are notoriously known for causing bad breath. Other items that can be responsible for it are coffee, alcohol and cigarettes. Eating a healthy balanced diet, staying hydrated, washing your mouth at regular intervals, brushing right and giving up on smoking can help.Mouthwashes can help for transient time. Start flossing and cleaning tongue.

 Toothaches are really painful. What to do?

There can be causes like accidents or falls, misaligned or impacted wisdom teeth, gum disease,caries, etc. If your tooth is hurting, it is recommended that you visit a dentist to get relieved of your pain, instead of self medication.

 After how much time, toothbrush should be changed?

Replace your toothbrush when the bristles start splaying or bending, or every three months, whichever comes first.

    Why is smoking bad for my teeth?

Smoking or chewing tobacco can leave extrinsic stains on the enamel of the teeth. Tobacco contains staining elements that cause a gradual yellowing of teeth and affect the appearance of your teeth.

   What can be reason of dry mouth?

Dry mouth is not a disease, it’s a symptom of other diseases like diabetes, hypertension, Parkinson’s or a side effect of several medicines.A dry mouth can increase tooth decay and fungal infections of mouth.

 How many times should I brush?

While it is ideal to brush thrice a day, brushing twice everyday for 2 minutes can be sufficient to prevent germ build up and maintain good oral hygiene.




Dental Abscess with Facial Cellulitis

A dental abscess is an infection at the base of a tooth. It means a fund of pus has formed at the tip of a tooth root in your jawbone.However, it can spread to the goo near the tooth, If the infection is not treated. This causes swelling and pain. More serious infections spread to the face. This causes your face to swell (cellulitis). This is a veritably serious condition. Once the lump begins, it can spread snappily. A dental abscess generally starts with a crack or depression in a tooth. The pain is frequently made worse by drinking hot or cold potables, or smelling on hard foods. The pain may spread from the tooth to your observance or the area of your jaw on the same side.
