More to know about Tell Show Do Method



Tell Show Do Method
Parents play an integral role in helping their kids to determine good oral hygiene habits which will cause healthier teeth for all times . Though baby teeth eventually are replaced by permanent teeth, it’s still important to assist children lookout of their baby teeth to make sure their primary teeth grow in properly and are healthy. With the tell show do method, parents can help their kids master proper brushing and flossing habits.

What Is the Tell Show Do Method
The tell show do method may be a good way to assist your kids get curious about their own oral health and learn directly from you.
TELL: Explain the way to brush and floss and the way those actions keep teeth clean and healthy. confirm you employ age-appropriate language and permit your child to ask questions. you’ll make it fun by explaining that they’re brushing and flossing to assist get obviate “sugar bugs.”
SHOW: Have your child watch you once you brush and floss your own teeth. If they need any questions, answer them by showing them.
DO: Help your child brush their teeth within the morning and before bed. Keep a daily routine in order that they know it’s expected. still help your child brush and floss until they’re about five years old. then allow them to brush and floss their own teeth, but supervise and monitor until they’re about eight years old.
Remember that a child’s mouth is far smaller than an adult’s, so it’s important to use the right tools for his or her oral hygiene habits. Choose a child-size toothbrush that they will easily slot in the hard-to-reach places in their mouth. this may ensure they’re ready to properly brush their teeth and take away harmful plaque and bacteria. Learn more children’s oral hygiene tips.

Toothache Symptoms & Causes

Girl with toothache illustration

Toothaches are one among the foremost common dental issues and are easily treated after proper diagnosis. the sooner that the toothache is diagnosed, the higher the prospect of saving the tooth.

Toothache Symptoms
Common toothache symptoms include the following:
• Sharp or throbbing pain within the tooth constantly, or when applying pressure to the tooth
• Swelling in or round the gums or jaw
• A fever or headache
• A bad taste, sometimes amid foul-tasting drainage and fluid

Toothache Causes
Toothaches may result from a spread of causes, including the following:
• Tooth decay: the destruction or damage of the tooth, including the outer coating (enamel) or the inner layer (dentin) of the tooth
• Abscessed tooth: a tooth that has an infection in or around it
• Damaged filling: in some cases, an old amalgam filling must get replaced because it’s wearing out or chipped
• Gum infection: redness and soreness within the gums from improper oral hygiene or food stuck in gum tissue
• Grinding of teeth: the rear and forth movement of the upper and mandible that causes them to rub against one another
• Repetitive motion: a repeated action, like chewing gum, for long periods of your time

Water Flosser


What is a Water Flosser?
A water flosser is an alternate to traditional string floss, allowing advanced oral care reception , employing a stream of pressured water, the flosser can clean between the teeth, removing and minimizing food particles and plaque. The flosser allows for a neater , more thorough cleaning of teeth. In some flossers, the water pulsates to stimulate the gums resulting in various health benefits.
What are the advantages of employing a Water Flosser?
If you’re unlikely to use string floss, a water flosser could also be a far better option because it’ll make the method easier and fewer time-intensive, ultimately making you be more likely to floss.

Benefits include:

  • Prevention and treatment of gum disease through tissue stimulation and therefore the ability to get rid of plaque and bacteria from near and round the gums.
  • • Ease of cleaning braces and other orthodontics cleaning hard to succeed in areas around brackets, permanent retainers, bridges, crowns, and implants.
    • Highly accessible for people with lower dexterity for those with arthritis or shoulder pain who find flossing difficult or painful, the water flosser is more accommodating and yields equal or better results than string floss.
    • Fresher breath and whiter teeth by removing plaque and bacteria that live beneath the gum line that are a primary explanation for bad breath.
    While a water flosser reaches some areas a toothbrush cannot, it’s not a substitute for brushing. Individuals should brush twice per day, and floss once each day . Water flossers are meant to function an alternate to string floss, interdental brushes, and floss threaders, removing plaque and food particles.



Patients with osteoporosis (bone loss or changes to bone structure) often take a drug to help with their condition. If you have osteoporosis, be sure to talk to your dentist about your condition and disclose any medications you’re prescribed. This is important because a rare but serious condition called osteonecrosis can occur while taking certain drugs at the same time as undergoing certain dental procedures.
While osteonecrosis of the jaw can occur without cause, it’s more common after dental procedures such as a tooth extraction other procedure that affects the bone or surrounding tissues.
When you have osteoporosis and are taking medication, it’s very important to see your dentist. They will establish the best oral health maintenance or treatment plan based on your conditions. Most importantly, your dentist will also help identify ways to lessen the risk of osteonecrosis.
Osteoporosis and Dental Prosthesis
Bone loss due to osteoporosis may become so severe that it may become impossible to create functional dentures. Without the aid of dentures to chew many types of food, older patients may suffer severe nutritional deficiencies. In addition, ill-fitting dentures can lead to mouth sores and difficulty while speaking. Osteoporosis has also been suggested as a risk factor in dental implant failure, but data supporting such a link are limited the effect of osteoporosis on both oral and general health needs to be well understood. As a health care provider, the dentist could serve as a pre screener of patients with the potential for osteoporosis. Familiarity with the risk factors could aid in identifying these individuals and help in earlier diagnosis. Many of the studies conducted to date suggest there is a relationship between osteoporosis and oral health but these studies have been plagued by relatively small sample sizes and lack of adequate control of potential confounding variables such as gender, hormone intake, smoking, race, age, stress and distress, diet, body mass and exercise.



Pain in the teeth that results from a change in air pressure (as in flying or mountain climbing) . Aerodontalgia affects some person who experience pain in the tooth during high altitude flight or during deep sea diving. At ground level the tooth is completely asymptomatic. In some cases the pain may not start readily during flight or during diving, instead it may occur few hours or days later .The condition may be related to subclinical  pulpitis. Sometimes similar problem may happen in an endodontically treated tooth with improper obturation of the canal. The entrapped air in an improperly obturated canal may expand during flight or driving due to alteration in atmospheric pressure. This applies pressure in periapical nerve bundle and produce pain.

Tetracycline stained teeth


Tetracycline teeth stains develop on permanent teeth while they are still forming under the gum line. During development, the drug becomes calcified in the tooth, generating tetracycline tooth stains. Children are susceptible to tetracycline tooth stains from the time they are in utero until the age of 8. Since teeth start to develop before we’re even born, pregnant women should not take tetracycline to prevent the possibility of the drug affecting the unborn baby’s oral health.Gray or brown in color, these deep, dark stains either cover the entire tooth or appear as a pattern of horizontal stripes. Because they form during tooth development, tetracycline teeth stains are embedded in the tooth’s enamel and inner layers. This classifies them as intrinsic stains — discoloration that comes from inside the tooth. Although harmless, tetracycline stains are obvious and permanent, often causing embarrassment and low self-esteem in those who suffer from them.




Sialadenitis is the infection of the salivary glands caused by a bacteria or virus. The parotid, located in front of the ear and submandibular, placed below the chin are the glands, which are affected most commonly. They cause ache, tenderness, redness, and steady concentrated inflammation of the region affected. It can be either acute or chronic, and is frequent among adults with salivary gland stones. However, it can occur to anyone, including infants. If not treated well, Sialadenitis can progress into a severe infection. Causes of Sialadenitis. Bacteria cause most of the acute cases, specisalivary-gland-stones1ally staphylococcus infections. Ignorance of oral hygiene is a major reason for this infection. Apart from these, infections like HIV, herpes, and mumps can also lead to the swelling of the salivary gland. Chronic Sialadenitis is often caused by salivary stones, which are nothing but deposits of calcium and different minerals that get accumulated in the glands and lead to blockages. Although less frequent, a person can also develop this infection due to the result of the immune system responding to other drugs given to treat different glandular cases.

Composite or tooth colored filings


Composite resins, or tooth-colored fillings, provide good durability and resistance to fracture in small- to mid-size fillings that need to withstand moderate pressure from the constant stress of chewing. They can be used on either front or back teeth. They are a good choice for people who prefer that their fillings look more natural.

Composites cost more than amalgam and occasionally are not covered by some insurance plans. Also, no dental filling lasts forever.

It generally takes longer to place a composite filling than it does for a metal filling. That’s because composite fillings require the tooth be kept clean and dry while the cavity is being filled. Tooth-colored fillings are now used more often than amalgam or gold fillings, probably due to cosmetics. In a society focused on a white, bright smile, people tend to want fillings that blend with the natural color of their teeth.

Ultimately, the best dental filling is no dental filling. Prevention is the best medicine. You can dramatically decrease your risk of cavities and other dental diseases simply by:

  • brushing your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste
  • flossing daily
  • eating a balanced diet
  • visiting the dentist regularly.

Tooth-colored composite fillings


  1. Aesthetics — the shade/color of the composites can be closely matched to the color of existing teeth; is particularly well suited for use in front teeth or visible parts of teeth
  2. Bonding to tooth structure — composite fillings actually chemically bond to tooth structure, providing further support to the tooth
  3. Versatility in uses — in addition to use as a filling material for decay, composite fillings can also be used to repair chipped, broken or worn teeth
  4. Tooth-sparing preparation — sometimes less tooth structure needs to be removed compared with amalgams when removing decay and preparing for the filling

Tongue Scrapers and Cleaners

tongue n scraper
A tongue scraper is a tool used to help clean your tongue. Tongue scrapers come in a variety
of shapes and sizes, and work by starting at the back of the tongue and pulling the scraper
forward. Some people choose to clean their tongue by using their toothbrush as well.
Some say that cleaning your tongue helps keep your breath fresh, but there is no evidence that
brushing or scraping your tongue will prevent bad breath or improve halitosis (chronic bad
breath). In fact, bad breath bacteria can grow back just as fast as you remove it.
If you like the way your mouth feels after you clean your tongue, keep it up as part of your daily
dental routine. It can be a great way to go the extra mile for your mouth, but comes down to personal preference and is not a necessary step.

However, there are four things you can do to make sure your mouth is healthy:
1. Brush your teeth twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste.
2. Clean between your teeth daily.
3. Eat a healthy diet that limits sugary beverages and snacks.
4. See your dentist regularly for prevention and treatment of dental disease.
How to perform a tongue scraping to perform tongue scraping, you’ll need the right tool — a tongue scraper. A quick search for
tongue scrapers can reveal lots of options. These include ones made from plastic, copper, and
stainless steel.
Most will have a slightly rounded shape, much like an inverted spoon. If you’re in a pinch,
household items like a spoon (clean, of course) or your toothbrush will do. However, they may
not remove as much odor-causing bacteria as a dedicated tongue scraper.
To perform tongue scraping, follow these steps:
1. Stand in front of a mirror, open your mouth, and stick out your tongue.
2. Gently set the rounded end of the tongue scraper at the back of your tongue.
3. If you’re worried about gagging, you may find it helpful to start at the middle of your tongue.
You can gradually start from farther back as you get used to scraping.
4. Gently touch the scraper to your tongue. Slowly pull it forward, toward the tip of your tongue.
You should never push the scraper from the tip of your tongue back. Always go from the back of
the tongue to the tip.
5. After each scrape, use a washcloth or tissue to remove debris from the scraper.
6. Repeat until you’ve scraped the entire surface of your tongue. One to two scrapes across the
same area is usually enough.
7. Wash the tongue scraper with warm water and soap, dry, and store in a clean, dry area.
The entire process usually takes less than two minutes. Repeat as needed throughout the day.
Are there any side effects or risks to consider?
One of the biggest concerns about tongue scraping is stimulating the gag reflex. This could
make you vomit while tongue scraping.
To avoid this, refrain from placing the scraper too far back on your tongue. When you first start
scraping, you may find it helpful to scrape from the middle of your tongue to the tip. You can
gradually start from farther back as you get used to the sensation.
It’s also possible to accidentally cut the surface of your tongue with the scraper.
To prevent this from occurring, make sure your tongue scraper doesn’t have any uneven or rough
edges. You should inspect your scraper before every use to ensure that it’s still safe to use.
You should be mindful of how much pressure you’re applying. You want to be gentle enough to
avoid harming your taste buds or breaking the skin, but firm enough to scrape up excess debris.
When in doubt, start soft and gradually increase the pressure.


Thrush (also called Candidiasis or moniliasis) is a fungal infection that occurs when the yeast Candida albicans reproduce in large numbers. It is common among denture wearers. Most often it occurs in people with weak immune systems—the very young, elderly or those debilitated
by disease, such as diabetes or leukemia. In addition, people with dry mouth syndrome are susceptible to candidiasis. Candida may also flourish after antibiotic treatment, which can decrease normal bacteria in the mouth.
Controlling candidiasis means focusing on preventing or controlling the condition that causes the outbreak.
Good oral hygiene is essential. Clean your dentures to remove Candida and remove them at bedtime. If the cause is dry mouth saliva substitutes and prescription medications may be helpful when the underlying cause of dry mouth is incurable or unavoidable.
What Are the Symptoms?
White, slightly raised areas in your mouth are common signs of thrush. They’re usually found on your tongue or inner cheeks. They can also appear on the roof of your mouth, gums, tonsils, or the back of your throat. These areas may look like cottage cheese. They can be painful and may bleed slightly when you scrape them or brush your teeth.

In very bad cases, they can spread into your esophagus and cause:
• Pain when you swallow or difficulty swallowing
• A feeling that food is stuck in your throat or in the middle of your chest
• Fever, if the infection spreads beyond the esophagus

The fungus that causes thrush can spread to other parts of the body, like the lungs, liver, and skin. This happens more often in people with cancer, HIV, or other conditions that weaken the immune system.
How Will I Know if I Have It?
Your dentist or doctor can probably tell by taking a look inside your mouth. Your doctor might also send a tiny sample of the spot to a lab just to make sure.
If the fungus that causes thrush spreads into your esophagus, you may have to have other tests,
• A throat culture (a swab of the back of your throat)
• An endoscopy of your esophagus, stomach, and small intestine
• X-rays of your esophagus
What’s the Treatment?
Thrush is easy to treat in healthy children and adults. But the symptoms may be worse and
harder to treat in people with weak immune systems.
Your doctor will probably prescribe antifungal medications that you’ll have to take for 10 to 14
days. These come in tablets, lozenges, or liquids, and are generally easy to take.
Since the infection can be a symptom of other medical problems, your doctor may also want to
run other tests to rule these out.

How Can I Prevent Thrush?

  • Practice good oral hygiene. Brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss at least once a day.
  • Get regular dental checkups. Especially if you have diabetes or wear dentures.
  • Even if you’re healthy and don’t have dental issues, you should get your teeth cleaned by your dentist every 6

Oral candidiasis. oral thrush. healthy mouth and tongue with candidiasis infection