What Is It?

Tooth whitening lightens teeth and helps to remove stains and discoloration. Whitening is among the most popular cosmetic dental procedures because it can greatly improve how your teeth look. Most dentists perform tooth whitening.

Whitening is not a one-time procedure. It will need to be repeated from time to time if you want to maintain the brighter color.

What It’s Used For

The outer layer of a tooth is called the enamel. The color of natural teeth is created by the reflection and scattering of light off the enamel, combined with the color of the dentin under it. Your genes affect the thickness and smoothness of the enamel. Thinner enamel allows more of the color of the dentin to show through. Having smoother or rougher enamel also affects the reflection of light and therefore the color.

Every day, a thin coating (pellicle) forms on the enamel and picks up stains. Tooth enamel also contains pores that can hold stains.

The most common reasons for teeth to get yellow or stained are:

  • Using tobacco
  • Drinking dark-colored liquids such as coffee, cola, tea and red wine
  • Not taking good care of your teeth1

Avoiding Baby Bottle Tooth Decay

How To Prevent Baby Bottle Tooth Decay

Chances are, you’re using a bottle to feed your baby. Have you ever heard of “baby bottle tooth decay”, or “nursing bottle mouth”? It’s one of the common ways your baby can develop cavities, and it can be avoided.


Baby bottle tooth decay occurs when a child’s teeth are frequently exposed to sugary liquids for long periods of time, usually through extended nursing on milk (including breast milk), formula or juice at bedtime or naptime.

How To Avoid It

Never use a feeding bottle as a pacifier.

Try not to put your child to bed with a bottle. If you must, make sure it contains plain water instead of milk, juice or formula.

Don’t give a baby a pacifier that has been dipped in honey or sugar.

Caring For Your Baby’s Gums

After each feeding, gently brush your baby’s gums using water or a baby tooth and gum cleanser on a baby toothbrush that has soft bristles. Or, wipe your baby’s gums with a soft, damp washcloth or gauze pad.

Many people don’t know that you don’t have to wait until the first tooth appears to begin efforts to prevent tooth decay. Fact is, you need to start providing good oral care for your children right from birth, because from healthy gums come healthy teeth.baby-bottle-tooth-decay

Possible Causes Of Toothaches

Causes of Toothaches

Toothaches have many causes, from gum disease to jaw clenching, but tooth root sensitivity can also cause a tooth to ache.

The tooth root includes the lower two-thirds of the tooth, and it is usually buried in the jawbone. But when gum disease develops, the bacteria that cause the disease can also dissolve the bone around the tooth root. The combination of dissolved bone and receding gums means that more of the tooth root is exposed. Without protection from healthy gums and healthy bone, the root often becomes sensitive to hot and cold and to sour foods.In some cases, the sensitivity is so severe that you may avoid very hot, cold or sour foods.

If the root exposure is not severe, try using a special toothpaste formulated for sensitive teeth that contains fluoride and other minerals. The extra fluoride and minerals will help to strengthen the exposed root and make it less sensitive.

The best way to manage root sensitivity and to prevent gum disease with a consistent oral health care program of twice-daily tooth brushing and daily flossing. Try a soft bristle toothbrush to avoid irritating your gums, which can increase the risk of root exposure and sensitivity

close-up of a young woman holding her cheek in pain


blood cell typesRoot Canal Treatment is the procedure done to preserve the infected tooth. This procedure involves removing the damaged or infected pulp, treating any infection and filling the empty canals.

Root Canal Treatment procedure is started by drilling the enamel part of the tooth, that is topmost portion of the tooth. First the Dentist enters the pulp chamber, where the infected pulp is present. The next step is exploration of root canal, removal of the remaining pulp tissue and infected tissue. The infected pulp is then drilled out with the help of long needle shaped drills called files, Remears, K-flex, Headstroem ( H-files), etc.
After successful removal of the pulp, the root canal is disinfected with the help of intracranial medicaments like essential oils (eugenol), phenolic compounds, Sodium Hypochlorite and iodides. The disinfection procedure is done by using a plastic pipette or a syringe.

Full-Mouth Reconstruction

When it comes to restorative care, some smiles need more help than others. For patients who need to replace multiple teeth or fillings, or who need a root canal and crown, a full-mouth reconstruction may be beneficial. Similar to a smile makeover, a full-mouth reconstruction can involve multiple services, all used to help you restore your smile’s good health and functionality.proc_fullmouth_2


It’s a good idea to visit the dentist when you’re pregnant. This is because the hormones circulating in your body can affect your gums. Your gums are more likely to bleed and there is a greater chance of them becoming inflamed or infected. Having a gum infection can lead to your teeth being damaged. You’re also more likely to get a build-up of plaque (a type of bacteria) on your teeth.Serious gum infections are called gingivitis or periodontal disease. If you’re finding it difficult to stay healthy, this can affect the way your baby grows .pregnant-at-dentist-disscusion

Diabetes Dental Tips

Keeping your own teeth is important for healthy eating. Natural teeth help you chew foods better and easier than you can with dentures . Because infections can make gums sore and uneven, dentures may not fit right. Be sure to tell your dentist if your dentures hurt.

Have a dental checkup at least every six months.

  1. Take good care of your teeth and gums. At least twice a day, brush your teeth with a soft bristle toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. Use dental floss every day to clean between the teeth.
  2. If your gums bleed while you are brushing your teeth or eating, or a bad taste stays in your mouth, go to the dentist. Tell your dentist about any other changes you see, such as white patches, in your mouth.

What Is Dental Scaling?

Dental scaling is the most common nonsurgical way to treat gum disease, which is also known as periodontitis.

If your disease is moderate, but not severe, your dentist may recommend scaling to treat the disease and keep it from getting worse.

Scaling is nonsurgical, but it is a different type of procedure from a standard dental cleaning because it involves cleaning the areas of the tooth below the gum line.

There are two types of scaling instruments and some dentists or dental hygienists may use both:

  • Scaling with hand-held instruments. Your dentist or periodontist will use a dental scaler and curette to manually remove (scale) the plaque from the teeth. Because the dentist or dental hygienist can’t see the plaque,
  • Scaling with ultrasonic instruments. Ultrasonic scaling instruments clean plaque from the teeth with a vibrating metal tip that chips off the tartar and a water spray to wash it away and keep the tip cool.

Foods to Avoid When You Have Braces

What To Eat and What Not To Eat When You Have Braces
Braces or not, it’s always recommended to eat a well-balanced diet for its renowned health benefits. But if you have braces, it’s important to avoid special foods that can increase your risk for cavities or damage your braces.

Avoid Sticky and Sugary Foods
Cut down on sweets, chips and soda. Sugary and starchy foods generate plaque acid and that can cause tooth decay and promote gum disease. Sticky, chewy sweets like caramel can also cause wire damage and loosen brackets.

Cut Food into Small Pieces
Cut healthy, hard foods like carrots or apples into smaller pieces. This makes them less a threat to your braces.

Stay Away From Hard, Crunchy Snacks
These types of snacks, including popcorn, nuts and hard candy, can break braces or make their impact less effectiveWhat-can-EatDetailedView

What Are Common Bad Breath Causes?

If you suffer from chronic, severe bad breath, also known as halitosis, it’s important to identify the cause so you can determine an effective treatment.Shutterstock-Bad-Breath

Halitosis has many causes, including the following:

  • Tobacco use. If you smoke, quit. Your bad breath may be due to other causes, too, but tobacco use is a guarantee of bad breath
  • What you eat, or don’t eat. Certain foods, such as garlic, contribute to bad breath, but only temporarily. Once they are absorbed into the bloodstream, the smell is expelled through the breath.
  • Dry mouth. If your mouth is extremely dry, there is not enough saliva to wash away excess food particles and bacteria, which can cause an unpleasant smell if they build up on the teeth.
  • Infections. Bad breath that seems to have no other cause may indicate an infection elsewhere in the body. Bad breath can be a sign of a range of conditions including respiratory tract infections, chronic sinusitis or bronchitis, diabetes, or liver and kidney problems, so it’s important not to ignore the problem.

The best way to improve bad breath is to follow a thorough oral care routine including twice-daily tooth brushing and daily flossing to remove the food particles and bacteria that can cause bad breath. Mouthwashes only improve bad breath for the short term.