Torus mandibularis

Torus mandibularis is a benign peculiarity wherein there is a bony outgrowth on the palate. It is a normal bump on the roof of the mouth. It is one of the most common exostosis involving the oral cavity. It is not cancerous, nor it is painful or sore .It comes in different shapes: nodular, spindle-like, lobular, or irregular. It is hard upon palpation and radiography shows opacity on this area due to the bone’s density. Since it is normal, there is no symptom associated with it. It is believed that mandibular tori are caused by several factors. They are more common in early adult life and are associated with bruxism. The size of theindex tori may fluctuate throughout life, and in some cases the tori can be large enough to touch each other in the midline of mouth. Consequently, it is believed that mandibular tori are the result of local stresses and not solely on geneticinfluences.


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